“Our aim is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his innermost core.” – Maria Montessori
Our Mission
RedRose Montessori School’s mission is to open-up the child’s innermost curiosities by nurturing their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual needs through an outstanding Montessori education. We foster proficient, responsible and versatile students by encouraging each child to communicate, embody self-confidence, know respect, discipline and hone leadership.
Our Vision
It is our vision and goal to foster in the child, deep and persistent curiosity that will lead to lifelong pursuit of knowledge, to help them become independent, confident global citizens. We will strive to achieve this by giving children many opportunities for self-exploration, Opportunities to move, to dress themselves, to choose what they want to do, and to help their parents with tasks. When the children are able to do things for themselves there is an increase in their self-belief, self-confidence and self-esteem that they may carry on throughout their life.
Key Philosophical Messages
- Unconditional love and respect for children
- Integrated curriculum that is carefully structured and connects subjects within programs
- Independence is nurtured and leads to children becoming purposeful, motivated, and confident in their own abilities.
- Children learn to handle conflicts efficiently and peacefully to be a part of a warm, respectful, and supportive community.
- Character development is an integral part of Montessori curriculum.
- Hands-on learning is central to the curriculum and leads to children being engaged rather than passive with their work.
- The environments are responsibly and carefully prepared with multisensory, sequential, and self-correcting materials to support self-directed learning.
- Teachers, children and parents work together as a warm and supportive community.
- Self-expression is nurtured in all children.
Our Difference
RedRose Montessori School is a nature based and environmentally conscious Montessori School located in Tomball, Texas. Our School was created to provide the community with a Montessori Environment and Child Care choice that was different from other schools and programs in the area.
We offer a child friendly, teacher guided and hands-on learning experience for children from 6 weeks to 6 years. Our program is a blend of prepared Montessori classroom with emphasis placed on teaching children about the importance of taking care of our natural world. We teach these concepts through gardening, natural sensory play and facilitating many interest based concepts related to the Montessori Principles and understanding our Natural Environment.
Here at RedRose Montessori we strive to make our school feel like a home-away-from-home for your child, bridging that gap between the home and school life. We believe in nurturing your child’s social, emotional, physical, and academic well-being. To us, each child is a unique individual with their own learning style. RedRose Montessori School engages every child at their own level, helping them develop at their own individual pace.