RedRose Montessori is a new  Montessori school in Tomball. Montessori method is developed by Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, and educator, over a century ago. She believed in the child’s individuality and independence in learning. Montessori method of education in the USA is now a well-accepted learning system among new parents.

RedRose Montessori School, located in Tomball (Texas), has programs that open creative learning opportunities for a 6-week-old infant to a 6-year-old child. Schools like RedRose Montessori School aim to provide a safe and nurturing environment for every child and play an important role in child development. The RedRose Montessori School engages the creativity of the children under their care by inducing unique activities in an independent environment. The teachers in every classroom support and guide the children at each stage of their development. This encourages the children to explore their individual strengths and interests and build confidence in their actions.

What is a Montessori School?

The Montessori education focuses on child development on all levels- physical, social, emotional and cognitive by providing a child-centered classroom. In schools like RedRose Montessori Schools, freedom within limits is encouraged within every child of a Montessori classroom, that is, the child gets to choose their activity for the day but from a list that is curated by their teacher. These teachers will act as their guide for throughout their long uninterrupted work time. The Montessori education system is based on self-directed activities, hands-on learning, and creative learning. This helps achieve maximum potential in child development. For someone who isn’t familiar with Montessori schools may find this chaotic but a visit into a Montessori classroom will change their mind.

What Is It Like Inside A Montessori Classroom?

For an outsider, the Montessori education system may seem a little out of control and not helpful in the real world. But on the contrary, the Montessori education system caters to the real world. By giving the choice of picking the activity they want to do for their 2-3 hours of uninterrupted work time encourages commitment and passion. The teachers create a list of a selection of activities that are proven to help in either physical, emotional or cognitive development. This way there is a controlled environment, but it also gives freedom to choose an activity that will install a sense of responsibility and independence to the child. Compared to a conventional school where the children are forced to follow the path their teachers have paved for them, the teachers in Montessori schools act as guides.

Unlike conventional schools, schools like RedRose Montessori Schools, have mixed-aged classrooms. This way, the younger students can learn from the elder ones, enforcing curiosity. Whereas, the elder students can help guide the younger ones, enforcing a caring personality in them. The mixed age groups in Montessori classrooms also enhance a socializing quality in the students amongst different age groups, cultures and ideologies.

Montessori schools cater to all ages from toddlers to adolescence. The Montessori education system enhances child development by encouraging intellectual independence, self- efficacy, self- confidence, and imagination. All these characteristics will foster a child who will know their place in their community, culture and the natural world.

RedRose Montessori School<br />
Program for Toddlers

RedRose Montessori School
Program for Toddlers

Toddler Program (18 – 24 months)

Using tools and lessons from the Montessori Method, toddlers in our program will have a great head start in their education as they learn to move, think, and discover new information independently. Under the guidance of Lead and Assistant Guides, children gain self-confidence as they work independently at their own pace with carefully designed materials that encourage logical thought, creativity, and responsibility. Purposeful tasks, such as caring for plants or practicing buttoning and unbuttoning, allow children to master valuable skills while developing concentration. The environment abounds with opportunities to practice hand-eye coordination, appreciate music, and develop balance through artistic, musical, and kinesthetic activities. Each day, children experience the self-confidence of completing tasks independently as well as the joy of contributing to the well-being of the classroom community. Children are gently introduced to the rules of the community and find pleasure in being patient, respectful, and polite.

Call us today at (713) 999-5091 to learn more about enrollment!

Key Area of Focus

RedRose Toddler Gardening

Practical Life

The practical life materials and exercises are designed to contribute to the development of both small and large motor skills and assist the child in becoming self-efficient and independent.


This consists of lessons and materials that educate and refine the child’s senses. The sensorial materials are designed to simplify learning and awareness of the environment by isolating difficulty; isolating the senses; encouraging mastery through repetition; possessing self-correction within the material; and presenting an attractive appearance to the child. By working with the sensorial materials, children develop the organization and patterning skills inherent in math and language concepts that build upon the sensory awareness stimulated by the sensorial materials.


A child’s mind is mathematical and based on the order and perceptual awareness found in the development of the senses. The acquisition of mathematical principals is seen as developing logically from concrete to abstract and simple to complex. The child who has experienced basic concepts involved with the practical life and sensorial materials will progress naturally to the beginning math activities.

Language Arts

The most important language materials for a toddler are the materials and experiences in the child’s environment. Reinforcing the importance of verbal communication, speaking clearly and supporting the child’s expanding vocabulary are a daily process in the toddler environment. For a toddler written language is experienced through the adult’s oral reading and story time. These activities revolve around four areas: Pre-reading, Matching, Word Recognition, Pre-writing.

Visual Arts

The visual arts program seeks to foster creativity, problem solving, and self-expression as it relates to each child’s level of development. The Toddler curriculum focuses on the exploration of different materials.


The music curriculum directly relates to our mission of enhancing the Montessori philosophy with other innovation methods. In addition to listening to music, toddlers sing in unison, listen and perform songs with repetitive sections in them and use finger-play to boost motor skills. Most of all, music curriculum is a fun element for our toddlers while still developing the child with arm-waggling, leg-shaking, and circle-turning.

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